
Awgree appeared in the 2017 sequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi. The creature was an animatronic prop inspired by Carrie Fisher's dog Gary, and was known as Gary or Space Gary on set. It was remotely operated by and permanantly attached to the arm of the Gatha Elbaphay costume worn by creature and droid performer Paul Warren, who Beattie communicated with via earpiece. In 2021, Lucasfilm Story Group member Pablo Hidalgo revealed that the sheffi's assigned name was Awgree, which was derived from the word Gary.

Behind the scenes

Awgree appeared in the 2017 sequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi. The creature was an animatronic prop inspired by Carrie Fisher's dog Gary, and was known as Gary or Space Gary on set. It was remotely operated by and permanantly attached to the arm of the Gatha Elbaphay costume worn by creature and droid performer Paul Warren, who Beattie communicated with via earpiece. In 2021, Lucasfilm Story Group member Pablo Hidalgo revealed that the sheffi's assigned name was Awgree, which was derived from the word Gary.



