Automated laser trap

Automated laser traps were lasers that were attached to a sensor set for automated targeting. Laser traps were used in the Death Star detention level.

The most common kind of laser trap was the BlasTech Class VI automated laser projector. It had a small control computer, a sensor suite, and a small laser. It could be controlled automatically or through a remote.

The device could rotate forty-five degrees in any direction, with a range of twenty-five meters. They could also be configured to fire stun bolts instead of laser bolts.

Technical Information

The most common kind of laser trap was the BlasTech Class VI automated laser projector. It had a small control computer, a sensor suite, and a small laser. It could be controlled automatically or through a remote.

The device could rotate forty-five degrees in any direction, with a range of twenty-five meters. They could also be configured to fire stun bolts instead of laser bolts.






