Authorization Code TK-603

Naming the code after his former designation as a stormtrooper within the Imperial Army, Terex installed the activation code within the Carrion Spikes mainframe at some point either during or prior to his service in the First Order. It was utilized by Terex to disable the corvette and force its First Order crew members to land on the planet Kaddak, where Terex reunited with members of his old criminal syndicate, the Ranc Gang, and was reinstated as the gang's leader. Once he had regained control of his gang, Terex returned to his vessel, using members of the Ranc Gang to overpower the First Order crew on board and steal the Carrion Spike for his own use.


Naming the code after his former designation as a stormtrooper within the Imperial Army, Terex installed the activation code within the Carrion Spikes mainframe at some point either during or prior to his service in the First Order. It was utilized by Terex to disable the corvette and force its First Order crew members to land on the planet Kaddak, where Terex reunited with members of his old criminal syndicate, the Ranc Gang, and was reinstated as the gang's leader. Once he had regained control of his gang, Terex returned to his vessel, using members of the Ranc Gang to overpower the First Order crew on board and steal the Carrion Spike for his own use.



