
Adventures with the Freemakers

Attiburra was a Wookiee chief who lived on the planet Kashyyyk during the Galactic Civil War. The Galactic Empire's Trandoshan proxies kidnapped his son Tantarra and imprisoned him inside an island fortress. Unwilling to see harm come to his son, Attiburra did not attack the Trandoshans. Meanwhile, the Empire imposed a heavy blockade around Kashyyyk.

Following the Escape from Cloud City, the scavenging Freemakers traveled to Kashyyyk to seek a piece of wroshyr wood for the Twi'lek captain Ignacio Wortan. After landing, the Freemakers encountered Attiburra and a group of Wookiees. When the Freemakers' modified B1-series battle droid Roger attempted to translate on their behalf in Shyriiwook, Attiburra believed him to be a threat and ripped off his head. However, the youngest Freemaker Rowan managed to convince Attiburra that his family posed no harm.

Speaking Shyriiwook, Rowan told Attiburra that his family had come to get a piece of wroshyr wood. Attiburra gave them the wroshyr wood but sent them on a quest to rescue his son Tantarra. Whenever Kordi and Zander tried to back out, Rowan and Roger pointed out that breaking a deal was considered dishonorable in Wookiee culture. The Freemakers reluctantly agreed to infiltrate the Trandoshans island fortress where they rescued Tantarra. After freeing him, Zander fired a flare gun which gave Attiburra and his people the signal to attack the Trandoshans.

Attiburra and his forces attacked the Trandoshans fortress with an Auzituck anti-slaver gunship. In the midst of the fighting. Tantarra helped the Freemakers to obtain the third Kyber Saber crystal from a Trandoshans statue. After he was reunited with his son, Attiburra thanked the Freemakers for giving the Wookiees hope and allowed them to return to their ship StarScavenger.

Search for Rowan

Later, Attiburra and his son Tantarra were fighting Trandoshans when Zander and Kordi traveled to Kashyyyk in an attempt to find Rowan, who had disappeared with the last Kyber Saber crystal for parts unknown. Attabaru and his son were unable to help because they had not seen Rowan.

Saved by the Arrowhead

Prior to the Battle of Endor, Attiburra, his son Tantarra and several Wookiees joined rebel troopers led by Lieutenant Valeria in fighting Imperial forces. During the fighting, Attiburra toppled a trunk on top of a scout trooper. Lacking air support, the Wookiees and rebels retreated to a beach where an Auzituck anti-slaver gunship was waiting. The group were cornered by an AT-ST walker.

Shortly later, the Freemakers arrived aboard their powerful new starship Arrowhead, which destroyed the AT-ST walker. The Arrowhead then destroyed several AT-AT walkers. As a result, the Wookiees and rebels scored a victory against the Empire.

Personality and traits

Attiburra was a strong and fearsome Wookiee chief who loved his son Tantarra. As a Wookiee, he spoke Shyriiwook. Treasuring his son, Attiburra ceased his attacks on the Trandoshans to ensure his well-being. Attiburra gave a piece of hand-crafted wroshyr wood to the Freemakers in order to get them to rescue his son. After then Freemakers had done so, Attiburra personally led an attack on the Trandoshan island fortress. He was capable of beating up several Trandoshans.

Behind the scenes

Attiburra first appeared in the non-Canon LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures episode "Peril on Kashyyyk," which premiered on Disney XD on June 27, 2016.









