Attack on the Circumtore system

The attack on the Circumtore system was first shown in The Essential Atlas, a reference book released in 2009 and written by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace. The attack is not mentioned in the text of the book but it shown on a map detailing conflicts in the galaxy between 26 ABY and 27 ABY during the Yuuzhan Vong War, which was called "collapse of the Core". No information is given about the outcome of the attack although a separate map shows Circumtore was under Vong control by 27 ABY.

Behind the scenes

The attack on the Circumtore system was first shown in The Essential Atlas, a reference book released in 2009 and written by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace. The attack is not mentioned in the text of the book but it shown on a map detailing conflicts in the galaxy between 26 ABY and 27 ABY during the Yuuzhan Vong War, which was called "collapse of the Core". No information is given about the outcome of the attack although a separate map shows Circumtore was under Vong control by 27 ABY.


  • The Essential Atlas
