Attack on Otoh Langua

Otoh Langua, a small Gungan city on the planet Naboo, was attacked, like most Gungan cities, by the droid army of the Trade Federation during the Invasion of Naboo. Oma Prumba, a militiagung survivor of the attack, later participated in the Battle of Naboo and recounted her experiences.


OOM-9 speaking to Viceroy Gunray on his search for the Gungan cities.

OOM-9 speaking to Viceroy Gunray on his search for the Gungan cities.

During the Trade Federation's occupation of the planet Naboo and after the capture of Theed, OOM command battle droid Commander OOM-9 sent troops to investigate the various Gungan villages on the planet and informed Viceroy Nute Gunray that they would not stay hidden for long.


  • Star Wars: On the Front Lines



