Ash Worlds

The Ash Worlds was an Outer Rim Territories sector which contained the Iego system, home to the planet Iego and its thousand moons, and the rocky planet Sran. During the Nihil conflict of the High Republic Era, the Nihil Strike Andrik Keller visited Sran, where he was killed by former Nihil Tempest Runner Pan Eyta after unwittingly tipping Eyta off to the whereabouts of Eyta's rival, Tempest Runner Lourna Dee. Later, during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Iego was briefly occupied by the Separatists, who left behind a laser web installed in the planet's moons which kept the residents trapped there until Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker discovered the problem while visiting Iego in search of reeksa root.


The Ash Worlds was a sector located in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. At least part of the sector, including the Iego system, was also situated in the Slice region. The Iego system contained the planet Iego, famous for its one thousand moons. The Ash Worlds also contained the rocky planet Sran.


In 231 BBY, Andrik Keller, a Strike of the Nihil pirates who had escaped the defeat of Lourna Dee's Tempest at the Battle of Galov, visited Sran. Commenting on Sran's propensity for dust storms, the serving droid in a Keller entered suggested that the celestial body's weather was the reason for the Ash Worlds' name. In the cantina, Keller met a Dowutin, the former Tempest Runner Pan Eyta, who sought revenge upon Lourna Dee. Not knowing who he was speaking to, Keller informed Eyta of Dee's condition and whereabouts, leading Eyta to kill Keller and depart Sran.

Early in the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the breakaway Confederacy of Independent Systems, Separatist forces came to occupy Iego, installing a laser web amidst the planet's moons. The Separatists left the security system behind upon abandoning Iego, leaving its residents trapped as the laser web destroyed any starship which attempted to leave. The Iegoans began attributing the carnage to a supposed curse laid by Drol, Iego's mythical phantom ruler.

In 21 BBY, Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker visited Iego in search of reeksa root, the only known cure for the lethal Blue Shadow Virus, in the hopes of saving people on the planet Naboo who had been infected with the disease, which had been recreated by Separatist scientist Nuvo Vindi. After retrieving the root, the two Jedi discovered the laser web when they attempted to leave, immediately recognizing it as a security system. Subsequently, Kenobi, Skywalker, and the astromech droid R2-D2 used repurposed vulture droids left behind by the Separatists to destroy the laser web and its primary generator, allowing the Iegoans to once again travel offworld.

Behind the scenes

The Ash Worlds first canonically appeared in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars first season episode "Mystery of a Thousand Moons," which premiered on Cartoon Network on February 13, 2009. The sector was first canonically identified in the 2021 audio drama The High Republic: Tempest Runner, written by Cavan Scott for the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project and performed by a full cast.












