Aruk's cantina

Aruk's Cantina was a legitimate bar located on Nar Shaddaa, Although Aruk resided on Nal Hutta he often attended to business here and was fiercely loyal to his regular customers and clients.

Advertisements in the form of colorful Aurebesh neon signs, were put up in the local area, in order to attract potential customers.

At one time Jedi Master Agen Kolar got into a fight with several of the patrons just before Aruk and his entourage were coming in. Aruk was furious that Kolar was causing trouble in his cantina again as he had several times before and forced him to leave.


At one time Jedi Master Agen Kolar got into a fight with several of the patrons just before Aruk and his entourage were coming in. Aruk was furious that Kolar was causing trouble in his cantina again as he had several times before and forced him to leave.



