Artist commune

An anti-violence artist commune was founded by the woman Celena on the planet Nooroyo. During the Republic Era, five Torada Collective Naboo artists settled in the commune, including Antraya—the sister of the planet Naboo's Queen Jamillia—and the man Kharl.

After the onset of the Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 22 BBY, Jamillia sent Naboo's senator, Padmé Amidala, to retrieve the artists and bring them back to Naboo. Amidala and her secret paramour, Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker, met with Celena in the commune, who brought them to speak with Kharl. Though the other artists ultimately refused to leave, Antraya reluctantly departed the commune to reunite with Jamillia on Naboo.


An artist commune was located north of Nooro-City on the planet Nooroyo. The commune featured several bright blue houses near the edge of a river. The residential complex featured copious amounts of natural flora surrounding its walkways and gardens. The artist commune was surrounded by a sculpted metal fence and had at least one landing pad.


During the reign of the Galactic Republic, the woman Celena established an anti-violence artist commune on Nooroyo. While living in its houses, artists adopted a peaceful lifestyle as they practiced their crafts. Residents were also expected to maintain the artist commune's gardens and abide by its other rules, such as those surrounding the food they consumed, with any disputes being handled by Celena. At some point, five Torada Collective Naboo artists—including the man Kharl and the woman Antraya, who was the sister of the planet Naboo's incumbent queen, Jamillia—left their homeworld to join the commune. On Nooroyo, the Naboo artists integrated into the commune under Celena's leadership and formed an attachment to their newfound home, with Kharl helping teach children about paint colors and preserving plants.

Jamillia (pictured) sent Padmé Amidala to bring five Naboo Torada Collective artists back to Naboo.

Jamillia (pictured) sent Padmé Amidala to bring five Naboo Torada Collective artists back to Naboo.

Following the start of the Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 22 BBY, Jamillia and the parents of the five Naboo artists living on the planet worried for their safety due to the onset of the conflict, prompting the queen to send Naboo's senator, Padmé Amidala, to bring them back to their homeworld. Amidala and her secret paramour, Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker, traveled to Nooroyo, and after informing the Nooroyo primary landing control of their destination, they were permitted to land at the residential complex. Celena welcomed the pair, though her demeanor stiffened upon learning the reason for their visit. The woman led them through the complex and explained the rules its residents followed before eventually entering a house to find the Torada Collective artists they sought.

At Celena's behest, Kharl met with the pair and insisted that Nooroyo was now their home, expounding on his own personal reason for living on the world—to acquire medicinal spice to deal with chronic pain. After the man spoke with Amidala further, he panicked upon realizing who she was and informed her of the Trade Federation's Viceroy Nute Gunray's presence on Nooroyo for spice negotiations, which put her in danger due to the Neimoidian's several attempts on her life over the past decade. As Amidala and Skywalker fled back to their Nubian yacht, Kharl left and then returned with a reluctant Antraya, with the latter having agreed to flee the artist commune while the other artists chose to remain. After departing the commune, the pair successfully reunited Jamillia with Antraya on Naboo.

Behind the scenes

The artist commune appeared in Queen's Hope, a 2022 young-adult novel written by E. K. Johnston.






