Apocalypse Endor

Plot summary

Apocalypse Endor tells the story of a retired stormtrooper's experience on Endor. It starts in a cantina, years after the Battle of Endor. The old man is asked and teased about how the "cute and cuddly widdle" Ewoks defeated the Emperor's best troops. The former soldier tells his story.

Years ago, upon setting up a base on the forest moon, the Imperials go to meet the natives to determine hostility and behavior. The curious Ewoks welcome the troopers with flowers, but when they try to use a stormtrooper's E-11 blaster rifle for a flower holder, the paranoid troopers consider that an attempt to block up their weapons, and open fire. The Ewoks then go completely hostile. Over time, they kidnap and murder any stormtroopers they could get, and torture the whole garrison with eerie drums in the night. During a daytime battle, Ewoks swing from vines and shoot arrows in the troopers' necks, one of the armor's weak spots. They cause other stormtroopers to slip into a pit of sharpened stone spikes and drop boulders on other groups.

When the remaining Imperials are being rounded up, the narrator surrenders quickly and asks for the Ewoks to be taken away. In the cantina, the veteran says that he hasn't slept well since Endor, but what keeps him going is the idea that the second Death Star's debris rained down on the moon and killed many Ewoks. His fellow patrons crush his last happy thought about Endor by revealing that as a myth, that most of the debris was vaporized during the violent explosion of the second Death Star and the rest was intercepted by the Rebels, preventing any harm to the forest moon.


  • Star Wars Komiks 1/2008 - Polish edition
  • Star Wars Tales Volume 4
  • Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The New Republic Vol. 1
  • Star Wars Legends: The New Republic Omnibus Vol. 2












