
Apapaba was an individual wanted for crimes against the Galactic Empire. Yahenna Laxo of the Gray Syndicate, a minor organization with pretensions of being a serious player in crime on the Outer Rim planet of Lothal, sheltered several people, including Apapaba, from the Empire's attentions. Laxo was willing to hide such individuals only so long as they had enough credits to pay him.

As part of the crackdown on suspicious activities on Lothal in 4 BBY, the Galactic Empire hit one of Laxo's warehouses and two of his gambling clubs. Laxo then asked Merei Spanjaf, a teenage girl unwillingly involved with the activities of his Syndicate, to visit Apapaba along with Durchine, Holshef, Kinlo, and Marhas. She was to inform them that Rosey, another member of his Syndicate, would be moving them to new hiding places that night and that they needed to be packed and ready.

Apapaba is mentioned in passing in Servants of the Empire: Imperial Justice, the third title of the Servants of the Empire junior novel quartet by Jason Fry, published in 2015.

Behind the scenes

Apapaba is mentioned in passing in Servants of the Empire: Imperial Justice, the third title of the Servants of the Empire junior novel quartet by Jason Fry, published in 2015.



