Anya Razar

Anya Razar first appeared in Servants of the Empire: The Secret Academy, the fourth and final junior novel in the Servants of the Empire series. The book was written by Jason Fry and released October 6, 2015. During development of The Secret Academy Fry considered but rejected an idea of proposing that the characters of Anya Razar and Captain Phasma from Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens were one-and-the-same.

Behind the scenes

Anya Razar first appeared in Servants of the Empire: The Secret Academy, the fourth and final junior novel in the Servants of the Empire series. The book was written by Jason Fry and released October 6, 2015. During development of The Secret Academy Fry considered but rejected an idea of proposing that the characters of Anya Razar and Captain Phasma from Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens were one-and-the-same.



