
Anod was a male Human who served for a time as the crown prince of the planet Velmor during the era of the Galactic Civil War. The younger son of King Lorac and Queen Denira, Anod was elevated as a potential Imperial-friendly monarch after an Imperial-engineered coup that killed Anod's parents and drove his elder brother Denid into hiding. Denid returned in 3 ABY as Anod was about to be crowned, leading to a succession crisis that resulted in Anod's death.


A Human male native of the planet Velmor, Anod was the second son of Velmor's King Lorac and Queen Denira, coming of age around the rise of the Galactic Empire. In 17 BBY, Imperial agents stirred up a mob that stormed the royal palace, after learning that Lorac had anti-Imperial sympathies. Although Anod was still young, he was already known as an Imperial sympathizer, and Lord Regent Zelor saved the prince's life by striking a deal with the Empire where Anod would eventually ascend to the throne as an Imperial-friendly king. The king and queen were killed in the riot, although Anod's older brother Denid survived and escaped due to the bravery of the king's advisor, Jedidiah.

As planned, Anod also survived and remained in the fold, and Zelor took the throne as the royal regent until such time as Anod had come of age and could take over as Velmor's king. Anod was also constantly shadowed by his personal bodyguard, Ergric Betos. During the coming years, Imperial diplomatic emissary Zeta Traal also became a fixture of Velmor's court, earning the trust of both Anod and Zelor—Traal thought little of Anod's will and intellect, and planned to direct him as an Imperial puppet once he became king.

Anod is killed by Zeta Traal.

Anod is killed by Zeta Traal.

Anod was finally set to be coronated in 3 ABY, but the ceremony was interrupted midway through by the dramatic return of Denid, who arrived on Velmor accompanied by his lover Loren and a bounty hunter named Kohl Marcus. Denid's arrival on Velmor suddenly threw the succession into question, and after Denid's identity was verified, Traal and Zelor immediately got to work on putting together an alternate plan. In order to keep Anod in line for the throne, the conspirators attempted to hire Marcus to assassinate Denid and Loren, and planned to kill the hunter afterwards to cover their tracks. However, Zelor had grown accustomed to rule, and had little intention of passing the baton to Anod, plotting to kill the younger prince himself.

None of these plans came to fruition, as they had made one crucial miscalculation: "Marcus" was actually Rebel Commander Luke Skywalker, and "Loren" was actually Rebel leader Leia Organa. When Skywalker refused to carry out the murders while on a ceremonial hunt, Zelor ordered Anod to kill them himself—Anod got the drop on them and shot both Denid and Organa, although he mistakenly set his blaster to stun. Anod turned his gun on Skywalker next, but when Skywalker ignited his lightsaber to attack, Traal realized his identity. As Skywalker's capture would be worth an enormous amount to Imperial leadership, Traal turned her own gun on Anod, killing the prince with no hesitation.

Personality and traits

Loyal to the Empire from a young age, Anod grew into a man who was weak-willed and constantly deferred to the advisors around him. Anod was considered by the Empire's own agents to be a "provincial fool," easily manipulable and controlled, a disparaging opinion also held by his regent, Zelor. But while Anod chafed at the way he was openly insulted by his advisors, he did nothing to stop it—by 3 ABY Anod had become set on claiming Velmor's throne for himself, viewing the return of his long-lost brother Denid with nothing other than anger and annoyance.

Behind the scenes

Anod first appeared in Star Wars (1977) 49, written by Mike W. Barr and released in 1981. In the comic, he was illustrated by Walter Simonson.




