Ando Sith temple

A ziggurat-shaped stone Sith temple was constructed in a swampy area of the world Ando during the Jedi-Sith War. A millennium later, during the Clone Wars, the ruined temple was repurposed as an outpost of the Death Wind terrorist group. At some point between 20 BBY and 19 BBY, the Galactic Republic sent Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker on a mission to apprehend the Death Wind leader, the former Republic commander Mekedrix. Traveling to the temple on a boat, the two Jedi were led by a Death Wind guard into the building's interior. There, Kenobi and Skywalker met Mekedrix in the temple's throne room. After Kenobi attempted to persuade Mekedrix to return with them to the Republic, the rogue commander attacked him, at which point he was killed by Skywalker.


The entrance doorway of the Sith temple

The entrance doorway of the Sith temple

A Sith temple was built on the Mid Rim Territories world Ando. The structure was situated at at overgrown terminus of a river in a remote area of swamplands. It was constructed out of stone and had a ziggurat-like shape that narrowed toward its top. The temple featured a tall central entrance doorway as well as a long stairway that led up to it from the ground level. The bottom of the stairs connected to a cracked stone walkway that ultimately broke up into separate stone slabs suspended above the surface of the surrounding water. The temple's exterior displayed several sets of runic markings that related the building's affiliation to the Sith, an ancient tradition of adherents of the dark side of the Force. Inside the Sith temple, a large, bare room with a slightly raised wide dais housed a large and ornate stone throne.

A millennium after its construction, the Sith temple had entered a state of ruin, sporting cracks and missing parts of masonry. The markings on the temple's exterior had deteriorated, and thick, creeping vegetation had penetrated from above into the structure's throne room. After the Death Wind terrorist group adopted the Sith temple's ruins as an outpost, the water on both sides of the entrance stairway was filled with haphazardly-placed pieces of military technology of the ongoing Clone Wars, such as the Confederacy of Independent Systems' B1-series and B2-series battle droids and armor of the Galactic Republic's clone troopers as well as different-scale models of the Republic's gunship and frigate. The walkway leading up to the stairs was also lined by torches, and a sign was hung on a set of ropes extending across the base of the stairway. On the sign, a message written in the Aurebesh writing system espoused the Death Wind's philosophy of worshipping death.


Mekedrix met Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker in the throne room of the Sith temple.

Mekedrix met Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker in the throne room of the Sith temple.

The Sith temple was built during the Jedi-Sith War, which was fought a thousand years prior to the Clone Wars and saw the eventual defeat of the Sith. During the former conflict, the structure served as a stronghold of dark side–following Force-users. At some point between 20 BBY and the end of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, the terrorist group known as the Death Wind, which was led by former Republic commander Mekedrix, converted the ruined temple into a covert outpost. The Republic eventually tracked down Mekedrix and dispatched Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker on a secret mission to apprehend the rogue commander. The two Jedi traveled to Ando and then used a boat to traverse the river leading to the Sith temple. There, they encountered a pair of Death Wind sentries, one of which confiscated the Jedi's lightsabers and then led them up the temple stairs and into the building's interior. Along the way, Kenobi noticed the Sith markings of the temple, realizing that the lingering presence of the dark side of the Force could encumber his and Skywalker's efforts to persuade Mekedrix to return to the Republic in order to answer for his crimes.

The two Jedi were then ushered into the temple's throne room where they met the former commander himself. Kenobi pleaded Mekedrix to return with them to the Republic, to which the Death Wind leader replied by explaining his nihilistic philosophical views. After Kenobi in turn encouraged Mekedrix to recall the roles certain individuals from their shared past played in the latter's life, the rogue commander, no longer valuing his own life, leapt to attack his former Jedi compatriot with a sword. Skywalker defended his former master by telekinetically retrieving his lightsaber from the Death Wind guard and mortally wounding Mekedrix. After the former commander subsequently perished, the two Jedi returned to the Republic and the ongoing war. Around 0 BBY, Kenobi recorded his and Skywalker's mission to the Sith temple in his journals.

Behind the scenes

The Sith temple appeared in the fourth issue of the Star Wars: Obi-Wan comic book series, written by Christopher Cantwell, penciled by Madibek Musabekov, and published by Marvel Comics on August 31, 2022.



