Ana Blue

The female Human Ana Blue was a smuggler from whom Han Solo won a large amount of money on several occasions. She first met Han when he was learning the smuggling trade. She rebuffed his advances, saying he wasn't seasoned enough for her.

Ana participated in the Battle of Nar Shaddaa by piloting Jiliac the Hutt's personal yacht, the Dragon Pearl, which was also the flagship of the smuggler fleet.

In 17 ABY, Ana got involved in an operation smuggling former Imperial goods to Kueller in his campaign against the New Republic. When a man she loved, Davis, was killed by one of Kueller's bombs, she revealed all she knew about the operation to Solo, including the fact that Kueller was trying to lure him in order to in turn lure Leia and Luke in order to kill them. However, Kueller later revealed to his assistant that Blue had done her job well, and ordered a doubling of her pay in accordance with their promise.


The female Human Ana Blue was a smuggler from whom Han Solo won a large amount of money on several occasions. She first met Han when he was learning the smuggling trade. She rebuffed his advances, saying he wasn't seasoned enough for her.

Ana participated in the Battle of Nar Shaddaa by piloting Jiliac the Hutt's personal yacht, the Dragon Pearl, which was also the flagship of the smuggler fleet.

In 17 ABY, Ana got involved in an operation smuggling former Imperial goods to Kueller in his campaign against the New Republic. When a man she loved, Davis, was killed by one of Kueller's bombs, she revealed all she knew about the operation to Solo, including the fact that Kueller was trying to lure him in order to in turn lure Leia and Luke in order to kill them. However, Kueller later revealed to his assistant that Blue had done her job well, and ordered a doubling of her pay in accordance with their promise.









