Ambush of a rebel convoy at Derra

The ambush of a rebel convoy at Derra was mentioned within the canon source Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy. The battle comes from Star Wars Legends material, which depicted the engagement as the Battle of Derra IV. This Legends battle had previously been referenced in canon through Star Wars Helmet Collection 3 as an ambush on Red Squadron. However, no canon source has linked the ambush of a rebel convoy and the ambush on Red Squadron at this time.

Behind the scenes

The ambush of a rebel convoy at Derra was mentioned within the canon source Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy. The battle comes from Star Wars Legends material, which depicted the engagement as the Battle of Derra IV. This Legends battle had previously been referenced in canon through Star Wars Helmet Collection 3 as an ambush on Red Squadron. However, no canon source has linked the ambush of a rebel convoy and the ambush on Red Squadron at this time.


  • Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy
  • Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire
