Alphabet Two

"Alphabet Two" was the callsign of a individual who served as part of the Citizens' Fleet, a fleet of starships from around the galaxy which collaborated to destroy the Sith Eternal's navy at the planet Exegol in 35 ABY, after Lando Calrissian sent a broadcast across the galaxy to muster help against the Sith Eternal. After the citizens' fleet arrived at Exegol, Alphabet Two was among the starships which reported in. The fleet ultimately destroyed the Sith Eternal's navy, and many of the vessels returned to the jungle moon Ajan Kloss.

Alphabet Two's voice appeared in the 2020 novel Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition, written by Rae Carson. According to Del Rey editor Tom Hoeler on a Twitter thread, the mention of Alphabet Two was an easter egg to the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron, a trilogy written by Alexander Freed which was based largely around the New Republic pilots of Alphabet Squadron, to reflect the idea that the whole galaxy was arriving to Exegol. However, Hoeler added that they avoided attributing the callsign with one of the Alphabet Squadron members as it would lock in their survival in the trilogy and at that time, the 2021 novel Victory's Price, the final book in the trilogy had only been mapped out but not finalized.

Wishing not to limit Freed's decisions with his novel-in-progress, Hoeler and his colleagues spoke with the author to ensure at least one member of Alphabet Squadron survived the trilogy, although the detail did not matter too much to them as even without the named characters an explanation could be made for the appearance of Alphabet Two. "Alphabet Two" was chosen as a means to be vague as they believed a callsign like Alphabet Leader or Alphabet Five might elude to a specific character. Hoeler believed Alphabet Two did not have that same issue as Alphabet Squadron did not have the same leadership at all times and offered enough flexibility that any member could have used that callsign.

In an interview with video creator "Star Wars Explained" on Youtube, Freed was asked whether Alphabet Two was part of Alphabet Squadron, to which he stated that at least one of the squadron's members was present at the Battle of Exegol, although he felt his statement could not confirm Rae Carson's intent of including Alphabet Two.

Behind the scenes

Alphabet Two's voice appeared in the 2020 novel Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition, written by Rae Carson. According to Del Rey editor Tom Hoeler on a Twitter thread, the mention of Alphabet Two was an easter egg to the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron, a trilogy written by Alexander Freed which was based largely around the New Republic pilots of Alphabet Squadron, to reflect the idea that the whole galaxy was arriving to Exegol. However, Hoeler added that they avoided attributing the callsign with one of the Alphabet Squadron members as it would lock in their survival in the trilogy and at that time, the 2021 novel Victory's Price, the final book in the trilogy had only been mapped out but not finalized.

Wishing not to limit Freed's decisions with his novel-in-progress, Hoeler and his colleagues spoke with the author to ensure at least one member of Alphabet Squadron survived the trilogy, although the detail did not matter too much to them as even without the named characters an explanation could be made for the appearance of Alphabet Two. "Alphabet Two" was chosen as a means to be vague as they believed a callsign like Alphabet Leader or Alphabet Five might elude to a specific character. Hoeler believed Alphabet Two did not have that same issue as Alphabet Squadron did not have the same leadership at all times and offered enough flexibility that any member could have used that callsign.

In an interview with video creator "Star Wars Explained" on Youtube, Freed was asked whether Alphabet Two was part of Alphabet Squadron, to which he stated that at least one of the squadron's members was present at the Battle of Exegol, although he felt his statement could not confirm Rae Carson's intent of including Alphabet Two.






