All-Terrain Exploration Droid

The walker appeared similar to the All Terrain Scout Transport or the All Terrain Personal Transport, though it lacked the chin-mounted blaster cannons. It had a single side-mounted heavy blaster for armament. It was two and a half meters tall.

It had good balance and easily traversed rough terrain. Its chassis was full of antennae, microphones, photoreceptors, and sensors which could make detailed maps kilometers into the distance or up to fifty meters of rock. Their complex systems were difficult to maintain and expensive. Despite the high cost of AT-EDs, and their sometimes standoffish personalities, AT-EDs were very popular in the Outer Rim Territories.

The All-Terrain Exploration Droid was first mentioned in Enter the Unknown, a sourcebook written by Sterling Hershey for Star Wars: Edge of the Empire.


The walker appeared similar to the All Terrain Scout Transport or the All Terrain Personal Transport, though it lacked the chin-mounted blaster cannons. It had a single side-mounted heavy blaster for armament. It was two and a half meters tall.

It had good balance and easily traversed rough terrain. Its chassis was full of antennae, microphones, photoreceptors, and sensors which could make detailed maps kilometers into the distance or up to fifty meters of rock. Their complex systems were difficult to maintain and expensive. Despite the high cost of AT-EDs, and their sometimes standoffish personalities, AT-EDs were very popular in the Outer Rim Territories.

Behind the scenes

The All-Terrain Exploration Droid was first mentioned in Enter the Unknown, a sourcebook written by Sterling Hershey for Star Wars: Edge of the Empire.


  • Enter the Unknown
