All-Almakian apple pie

All-Almakian apple pie was a type of pie that was made from Kessinnamon-spiced Almakian apples that were baked in a pom seed flour crust, which had a golden color. The pies were favored by the Leffingite species, who were native to the world Almak. The Besalisk chef Dexter Jettster served all-Almakian apple pies at his eatery Dex's Diner on the planet Coruscant prior to its destruction during the first two years of the Galactic Empire's reign. Jettster used fresh and juicy Almakian apples in his pies and claimed that they were baked to perfection in his menu. The diner charged 2.5 credits for a slice of the pie, with a total cost of 5.7 credits for a serving with a scoop of denta bean ice cream.

All-Almakian apple pie was mentioned in the 2009 Hyperspace article Dining at Dex's, written by Gregory Walker.

Behind the scenes

All-Almakian apple pie was mentioned in the 2009 Hyperspace article Dining at Dex's, written by Gregory Walker.

