
Alfkenda was an engineer who was a member of the Nihil marauder organization during the High Republic Era. By 230 BBY, she served aboard Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro's flagship, the Gaze Electric, and was valued highly enough that her quarters on the ship were among the nicest on the Gaze Electric, save for Ro's own.

That year, the engineer was moved to a different Nihil ship during a mass strategic reassignment of the Gaze Electrics crew. When Ghirra Starros, a Galactic Republic senator who was also secretly a Nihil spy, traveled to the ship to meet with the Eye, Ro's assistant Thaya Ferr informed him that she would have Alfkenda's quarters readied for Starros. In response, Ro praised Ferr, stating the rooms would be ideal and that she had grasped his needs exactly.

Alfkenda was mentioned in the 2022 novel The High Republic: The Fallen Star, written by Claudia Gray as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I.

Behind the scenes

Alfkenda was mentioned in the 2022 novel The High Republic: The Fallen Star, written by Claudia Gray as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I.






