Alderaan sparkling wine

Alderaan sparkling wine was a type of sparkling wine that shared its name with the Core Worlds planet Alderaan. During the High Republic Era, the Jedi Master Creighton Sun and the Jedi Knight Aida Forte were familiar with the beverage, with the former opening a bottle of it on a hot day on at least one occasion. In 382 BBY, the two Jedi fought together against the Path of the Open Hand religious group on the planet Dalna, with Forte spotting several Path members carrying explosive devices on their belts. Forte conversed with Sun about his experience opening a bottle of Alderaan sparkling wine, indicating that they were about to jostle their opponents similarly to shaking an unopened container of the wine.

Alderaan sparkling wine was mentioned in Cataclysm, a novel written by Lydia Kang and published in 2023 as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.

Behind the scenes

Alderaan sparkling wine was mentioned in Cataclysm, a novel written by Lydia Kang and published in 2023 as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.






