Admiral Ackbar's residence


The residence consisted of two compact cylindrical towers, each standing just two storeys tall. One, windowless and white, was located at the water's edge and provided an entrance from the shore. The second, which was generously furnished with transparisteel viewports, stood out further into the lake. Access between the two towers was provided by an enclosed skywalk linking their upper levels.

The residence and the adjacent water's edge could be illuminated by at least two sets of powerful floodlights - one row located along the underside of the skywalk, and a second group of lamps sited underwater, in a ring around the base of the outer tower.

Although at first sight the residence appeared to be a normal dwelling, the outer tower was in fact a water-filled structure, known formally as an aquahab, but referred to by Ackbar himself as a "water column". Among other purposes, this served as Ackbar's sleeping quarters.

The upper storey of the aquahab took the form of an indoor pool, surrounded by a circular walkway. Beneath the surface of the pool, the water-filled lower storey extended down to the shallow lake-bed, where an underwater entrance provided direct access to the open water. A single-seat water skimmer was moored on the lake's surface nearby.

From the pool area at the top of the aquahab, the enclosed skywalk led across to the upper floor of the shoreline tower. This was a more conventional residential structure, the ground floor of which contained a circular room, furnished with at least one comfortable chair, and suitable for informal meetings and discussions. Beyond this lay an outer entrance area with a door opening onto the land, where a Defense Force valet droid acted as gatekeeper.

At the rear of the building, outside the door, was a parking area, from where a drive led down to a guarded entry gate.

The parking area at the rear of the residence could be used not only by ground vehicles, but also by small spacecraft such as orbital jumpers. However, visitors without high-level security clearance were required to park their vehicles at the entrance guardpost and walk up the drive to the house.


In 17 ABY, at the start of the Black Fleet Crisis, the Asset Tracking analyst Ayddar Nylykerka successfully managed to gain access to Ackbar at his Victory Lake residence. The Tammarian braved his fear of water to successfully alert the admiral about the existence of the Black Fleet in the Koornacht Cluster.

Slightly after this, Ackbar arranged a private, unofficial meeting at his residence between Admiral Etahn A'baht and Hiram Drayson, head of the Alpha Blue intelligence agency, so that Drayson could alert A'baht to his concerns about the situation in Koornacht.

Behind the scenes

Ackbar's residence appears in the novel Before the Storm. The aquatic setting reflects the Mon Calamari fleet commander's amphibious nature.

Ackbar refers at one point to his within the residence, but the novel does not indicate this room's exact location, and it is impossible to say canonically whether or not it should be differentiated from the ground-floor "inner room" seem later in the same book.



