
"Adiik" was the nickname of a male Mandalorian Human who lived on the Outer Rim world of Vlemoth Port during the time of the Galactic Civil War. The nickname originated from the Mando'a word adiik, meaning "kid" in the Mandalorian language, given to the young man on account of his age. Nevertheless, Adiik worked as a bartender at the Sheb Niktose cantina in the Mandalorian settlement of Arumorut, where he served alcoholic beverages—including glasses of ne'tra gal, kri'gee and tihaar—to customers from behind the bar.

The Mandalorian known as Adiik was first introduced to the Star Wars universe in Fantasy Flight Games' Age of Rebellion adventure book Friends Like These, published December 8, 2016.

Behind the scenes

The Mandalorian known as Adiik was first introduced to the Star Wars universe in Fantasy Flight Games' Age of Rebellion adventure book Friends Like These, published December 8, 2016.



