Adamantine shoal

Adamantine shoals were creatures that lived in the magma on the planet Shu-Torun near the area of the Ancestral Retreat of the Shu-Torun royalty. In 0 ABY, during the War on Shu-Torun, Queen Trios had taken refuge inside the Ancestral Retreat. When the Imperial agent Morit Astarte questioned the security of the palace, Trios responded that the blessed adamantine shoals swam around it and that it had been a place of peace for millennia.

Adamantine shoals were mentioned in the seventeenth issue of the 2015 Star Wars: Darth Vader comic book series. The issue was authored by Kieron Gillen and published by Marvel Comics on March 2, 2016.

Behind the scenes

Adamantine shoals were mentioned in the seventeenth issue of the 2015 Star Wars: Darth Vader comic book series. The issue was authored by Kieron Gillen and published by Marvel Comics on March 2, 2016.



