Ackbar's Trade Spine fleets

Ackbar's Trade Spine fleets were six fleets under the command of New Republic Fleet Admiral Gial Ackbar during the Galactic Civil War. As the number of enemy star systems decreased, the New Republic Defense Fleet increasingly consolidated their battle groups into more powerful, but more sluggish fleets. Six of these converged fleets were to be deployed along the Corellian Trade Spine hyperlane, which began in Corellia and crossed every major region of the galaxy.

As a result of their positioning, the fleets had the capability of relocating rapidly to the Western Reaches. Simultaneously, Admiral Ho'ror'te began a quest to rally neutral allies in the Ravager's Rift, hoping to reinforce Ackbar's six Trade Spine fleets. These details were presented in a meeting between several members of New Republic High Command following General Hera Syndulla and her battle group's smashing of Imperial blockades in the Nythlide Array.






