A droid in the hand is worth two in the asteroid belt

The comic starts with a newsflash stating that R2-D2 has once again gone missing. It then shows that Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano are not the only ones searching for the missing droid. Count Dooku has sent a team of assassin droids and, accidentally, a squad of B1-Series battle droids to find Artoo. Also, on Coruscant, a squad of clone troopers is given orders to find the astromech droid. Focusing on the clones, they are shown getting the orders to find R2-D2 before the Separatists or the Jedi. The clones board a Nu-class attack shuttle and depart for where Artoo's last known location. There they find rocket battle droids who inform the clones that R2-D2 had already been taken and pointed in the direction his captors took him. As soon as the clones leave however, the droids question themselves if that was that was the right direction. Arriving at a planet, the clone troopers fly down to investigate. While they land, their scanners detect many droids which turn out to be Separatists battle droids.

Plot summary

The comic starts with a newsflash stating that R2-D2 has once again gone missing. It then shows that Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano are not the only ones searching for the missing droid. Count Dooku has sent a team of assassin droids and, accidentally, a squad of B1-Series battle droids to find Artoo. Also, on Coruscant, a squad of clone troopers is given orders to find the astromech droid. Focusing on the clones, they are shown getting the orders to find R2-D2 before the Separatists or the Jedi. The clones board a Nu-class attack shuttle and depart for where Artoo's last known location. There they find rocket battle droids who inform the clones that R2-D2 had already been taken and pointed in the direction his captors took him. As soon as the clones leave however, the droids question themselves if that was that was the right direction. Arriving at a planet, the clone troopers fly down to investigate. While they land, their scanners detect many droids which turn out to be Separatists battle droids.



