ABX-110 Tube-Launched ABC Scrambler

Each ABC pod normally took one minute to charge up before it could be fired, although it could be rushed into firing in less time. Once launched, the pod would emit full-spectrum ultrasonics, biological irritants and chemical agents over an area up to thirty meters in diameter. Those caught within this area would be incapacitated for several minutes by the massive sensory overload.


Each ABC pod normally took one minute to charge up before it could be fired, although it could be rushed into firing in less time. Once launched, the pod would emit full-spectrum ultrasonics, biological irritants and chemical agents over an area up to thirty meters in diameter. Those caught within this area would be incapacitated for several minutes by the massive sensory overload.


  • Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters
  • Galladinium's Fantastic Technology
  • Gundark's Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear
