A5-RX spread-missile battle platform

The A5-RX spread-missile battle platform was a Galactic Republic vehicle used during the Clone Wars.

The A5-RX spread-missile battle platform was created by the 38th Armored Division during a skirmish aboard the Twilight. Under the orders of Seargeant Gaffa, clone engineers used parts of a beat-up A5-RX battle tank to assemble the new weapon. Once the pieces were put together, the clones used the A5-RX spread-missile battle platform to repel boarders on the Twilight and destroy pursuing Vulture droid starfighters.


An A5-RX spread-missile battle platform in action

An A5-RX spread-missile battle platform in action

The A5-RX spread-missile battle platform was created by the 38th Armored Division during a skirmish aboard the Twilight. Under the orders of Seargeant Gaffa, clone engineers used parts of a beat-up A5-RX battle tank to assemble the new weapon. Once the pieces were put together, the clones used the A5-RX spread-missile battle platform to repel boarders on the Twilight and destroy pursuing Vulture droid starfighters.



