92 BBY

In the current Star Wars canon, 92 BBY was first mentioned in the first issue of Star Wars Jedi Master Magazine, published by Titan Magazines on November 16, 2015. Both Jedi Master Magazine 1 and 2017's Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away establish 92 BBY as the birth year of the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. However, the 2019 novel Master & Apprentice by Claudia Gray, which is placed in 40 BBY per the 2023 reference book Star Wars: Timelines, sets the age of Qui-Gon during the novel's events as forty years old. This article assumes that, as older sources, Jedi Master Magazine 1 and Star Wars Super Graphic are in error.

The year 92 BBY originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where it was first indirectly mentioned in "Shintel Downtime," an adventure written by Paul Sudlow and published in the 1995 West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game supplement The DarkStryder Campaign, which mentions events that took place "about a century" before the adventure's setting in 8 ABY. Vader: The Ultimate Guide, a souvenir magazine released in July 2005, was the first source to mention the year explicitly.

Behind the scenes

In the current Star Wars canon, 92 BBY was first mentioned in the first issue of Star Wars Jedi Master Magazine, published by Titan Magazines on November 16, 2015. Both Jedi Master Magazine 1 and 2017's Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away establish 92 BBY as the birth year of the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. However, the 2019 novel Master & Apprentice by Claudia Gray, which is placed in 40 BBY per the 2023 reference book Star Wars: Timelines, sets the age of Qui-Gon during the novel's events as forty years old. This article assumes that, as older sources, Jedi Master Magazine 1 and Star Wars Super Graphic are in error.

The year 92 BBY originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where it was first indirectly mentioned in "Shintel Downtime," an adventure written by Paul Sudlow and published in the 1995 West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game supplement The DarkStryder Campaign, which mentions events that took place "about a century" before the adventure's setting in 8 ABY. Vader: The Ultimate Guide, a souvenir magazine released in July 2005, was the first source to mention the year explicitly.

