
The 85th was a unit within the Armed Forces of the Galactic Empire active during the Galactic Civil War shortly prior to the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. After Squadron Five of the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing lost two of their Imperial pilots, the Empire assigned Imperial cadets Bansu Ro and Rac Syrmo to fill the empty places in the squadron.

When the cadets arrived on a Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier used by the 204th, Flight Officer Ganem Kahi asked Senior Lieutenant Jeela Brebtin, both of Squadron Five, where the new members might have been pulled from. Brebtin incorrectly speculated that they might be from the 85th.

The 85th was mentioned in the comic book TIE Fighter 4, which was authored by Jody Houser and released on July 17, 2019.

Behind the scenes

The 85th was mentioned in the comic book TIE Fighter 4, which was authored by Jody Houser and released on July 17, 2019.



