5G Sith Jet Trooper Experience

The experience went beyond improvised 30-second interactions remarking over the premiere attendees' attire, scathing questions about the presence of Resistance combatants, and other lines fed to the performers by the on-site directors. The experience also featured several pre-set animations for the performers to react to. These animations included lightning in the stormy skies of Exegol, a cadre of Sith troopers running through the hangar, and use of the Jetpack Troopers' Jetpacks to hover or fly in from out of frame. As users finished their interaction, they could access a terminal in which they entered their contact information to receive the re-rendered augmented reality video of their interaction. The augmented reality effect, incorporating hundreds of photos, heightened immersion by placing troopers within the physical set of the experience. As guests entered their information, they could watch a smaller screen showing a behind-the-scenes live feed of the actors performing in the motion capture studio.

The experience was rendered live in Epic Games' Unreal Engine. The two Sith jet troopers were performed by Hunter Smith, Verona Blue, and , who brought their characters to life with their motion capture and vocal talent. Despite being paired with the premiere of Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker and working with Matt Martin, the canonicity of this event has not been established.
