4166 BBY


Centuries before this year, the Mon Calamari developed an interstellar federation without any influence from the Galactic Republic. At some point they invented the cavitation hyperdrive, which allowed them to establish colonies on Ruisto, Mantan, and Hinakuu from 4400 to 4200 BBY.

The galaxy in 4166 BBY

In 4166 BBY, Republic scouts clearing the rimward end of the Perlemian Trade Route made contact with Mon Calamari starships near Ruisto.


For millennia, interaction between the Republic and the Mon Calamari remained minimal, and during the latter years of the Republic, Mon Calamari Space was represented in the Galactic Senate as an Allied Region. During the time of the Galactic Empire, the Mon Calamari forced the withdrawal of an Imperial occupation force in an unprecedented uprising and covertly gave their support to the Rebel Alliance. Their shipyards' MC80 Star Cruisers proved to be an equalizing factor in the Galactic Civil War, and after the Battle of Endor, Mon Calamari Space became a founding member of the short-lived Alliance of Free Planets. The region later became an important constituency of the New Republic and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.

Notable events

  • Republic scouts made first contact with Mon Calamari starships.


  • The Essential Atlas
